Shopping bag, one of the most common items in our life, usually has a brand name or some regular shape? nothing special. While in this post, we will present you with 8 eye catching bags?there are turns of clear ads and some of them are really stunning. Enjoy!
1. Tom of Finland’s Shopping Bag [link]
How cheeky is this shopping bag? The Tom of Finland bag makes you look like you are reaching for your very well-endowed ??package?? when you put/grab stuff from the bag. The bag is a new marketing gimmick by ad agency Ogilvy, France for the Tom of Finland perfume.

2. Ad for a Turkish shopping mall [link]

3. A “Reach Out to children with autism” bag promoting the efforts of the Dubai Austism Center. [link]

4. Grabby Shopping Bag Design [link]
This fun shopping bag design from Condomi turns customers into walking advertisements that will surely attract some attention on the street. The bags come with a rather realistic life-size images of a male/female in a thong/G-string. The idea was executed by ad agency DRAFTFCB Kobza (Vienna, Austria). I think it is awesome. While most similar shops use camouflaged and disguised bags, these bags are out and proud! And they might be the safest and easiest way for you to get your hands groping a nice package ;)

5. Muse Beauty Salon Shopping Bags [link]
The cute bags handles. These bags were designed as color samples of hair extensions for distributed to visitor in a party of muse, beauty salon. So, attached hair extensions to bags as handles.

6. Shumensko Shopping Bag [link]
Clever shopping bag designed to promote Bulgarian beer.

7. YKM Shopping Bag [link]

8. Magic-i Floating Shopping Bag [link]
The handles of the shopping bag are made of transparent fishing line, wich makes it look like it is being held without handles.