When innovation becomes part of a clock’s design, it makes something as simple as reading time an experience… giving you a different way to tell time. We have already shown you something about creative watches: modern watch and concept watch. And today, I will introduce 11 brilliant wall clock designs to you, which will definitely enhance your time-reading experience. Have a look at these clocks to see what I’m talking about…
1. Daily life wall clock [link]
This wall clock doesn?t indicate time by number and hands. Instead, the figures of a grandmother, grandchild and dog represent the hour, minute and second hands respectively. Silhouettes of nature and daily life are arranged around the clock, and each figure moves through these scenes to represent the time.
the time presented by this scene is 11:03:49 am / pm

2. Catena Wall Clock [link]
Designed by Andreas Dober, this wall clock harkens back to traditional mechanical clocks. Copper digits mounted onto a bicycle chain place emphasis on the cyclical nature of time.

3. on Time Clock [link]
Are you one of those people who is always late, so you set your clock a few minutes fast to make sure you get to places on time? Then maybe you should get yourself one of these cool clocks, the On-Time Wall Clock. The On-Time Wall Clock features a minute hand which is bent forward, so it always shows the time 3 minutes later than it is, very cool!

4. Time In Letters: QLOCKTWO [link]
Meet the new and unusual QLOCKTWO, a clock that tells time not in numbers, but in words, from Biegert & Funk. Here is the description of the item as we found it on the site of the manufacturers: ?QLOCKTWO has a quadratic matrix of letters, where some of the letters are illuminated. The time is displayed as text in five minute intervals. If you need to have a more exact time, look in the corner at the illuminated dots. QLOCKTWO has a brightness sensor; with its help the illuminating power of the letters is automatically adjusted ?. The clock is available in a variety of colors, just choose the one that goes the best with your funky interior. It is also provided with a light sensor for easy adapting to the light changes in the room.

5. Whiteboard Clock [link]
Now you can be creative and design your own clock every day with this dry erase board clock.

6. Fan clock by stanislav katz [link]
stanislav katz is an industrial designer from latvia, one of his design proposals is this ‘fan clock’. colored space between the hour and minute hands suggest a traditional folded hand-fan.

7. word clock slowly reveals the time with text [link]
At first glance, the display looks like a bunch of random matchsticks, but over time, they gradually transform into words that tell the time. Conceived by Dutch industrial designer Christiaan Postma, the clock goes beyond the simple dial and number paradigms we?re all used to seeing, and really thinks outside of the box. Postma used over 150 individual clock mechanisms to power the 55-inch square timepiece.
Not sure about its functionality-wise. But it is definitely somthing can drive me crazy
8. ALBERO Clock [link]
Enchanting design, when on the wall it immediately catches your eye. Made of a wenge colored wood and white tree design, or a black painted wood with orange tree design it inspires an organic theme, a step back to nature and ecology.Featuring a German mechanism, Italian design and craftmanship, the cuckoo can be set at a high,low or off volume. It strikes at every hour but it can be switched off, while a light sensor make it stays quiet at night. While striking, you can hear waterfalls on the background.

9. Retro Flip Down Clock [link]
Retro and incredibly slick looking gear operated metallic flip down clock for adding flair to any desktop or table. A true eye catcher, this retro designed timepiece will accurately tell the time all day long. Every 60 seconds and hour, the time will flip down automatically without any need for winding or adjusting, and with just one D battery, you will be getting weeks of power supply. This is a cool, steampunk inspired design

10. Eyeclock [link]
Eyeclock is a pleasuring clock which gives pleasure while telling you time. left 3:15 right 3:50

11. Wenge Veneer Clock [link]
The Wenge Veneer Clock is rotating the clock dial instead of roating the clock hand. They are handmade. Kind of special.