Tag: egg gadget rss


Feel tired every morning? How about starting your day with a fried side of fun! Take a look at the 4 egg molds presented in this post. With the help of those cool mold, you can easily turn egg into attractive egg art. Skull, owl, gun or sun, which shape you want? Skull Egg mold [amazon] Just place the mold in your frying pan, crack two eggs into the rings and soon you’ll have a cool breakfast skull to hang out with.
Egg yolks and whole eggs store significant amounts of protein and choline, and are widely used in cookery. To make the egg cooking and serving more easy and fun, many utensils are invented, such as egg timers, toppers, cups and spoons, separators, piercers, slicers and wedgers, cubers, rings, and more. In this post, we will present you with 7 Egg Cooking and Serving Utensils, hope you find them useful. 1. Egg Yolk Extractor [amazon]

Egg, as an important source of protein, is a common food on our breakfast table. But same egg day after day can be boring. Here we list 6 Playful Egg Molds and Rings, which will give some fun shape to plain old eggs. Gun shape, flower shape, heart shape, let’s make some eggs you cannot refuse!

With 6 grams of the highest quality protein and 14 essential nutrients, eggs provide the energy needed to keep you going. They’re the natural choice for an active lifestyle. We love eggs and we designs lots utensils which help us to hold, cook, crack, slice eggs. In this post, we will present you with 12 creative and useful egg gadgets helping you make your perfect egg.