Tag: wine stoppers rss


Collecting corks helps you hang onto the memories of great occasions and cherished wines, marking your consumption in decorative style! Just drop your treasured wine corks in below gorgeous cork holder to show off your collection; or transform them into useful but personalized Cork Trivet; or make some unique wall art out of them. Take a look at those Beautiful Cork Holders and hope you find it as a fun and innovative way to keep and cherish all of your wonderful wine corks.

Wine is something can’t be missed from most parties. But we also know Wine ages quickly when exposed to open air, and the resulting oxidation may affect the wine s flavor and color. To save our favorite wine and don’t let it go waste, we need to use wine stopper or wine preserver, which will keep the wine fresh and ready. We rounded up 17 Useful Wine Stopper and Preserver Designs in this post, they are not only functional but also stylish and decorative.